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How Preya Maisa digitalised her clinic with business app

Complete Nutrition by Preya Maisa

Delhi, India

Priya Maisa, previously managed her business offline, relying on WhatsApp and calls for bookings. This time-consuming method lacked real-time updates and required manual data management, with operations dependent solely on her availability.

She transformed her business with Acowale.
Using Business App she now efficiently manage her reservations, bookkeeping and even started an online store selling health supplements doubling her income.

How Acowale is helping?

Acowale helped Priya to digitalise her works and build an online store which made her sales and services 5x better.

Online Store Management

With Acowale, Priya Maisa now effortlessly runs her online store, featuring real-time inventory updates and easy product management.


Streamlined Reservation System

Gone are the days of WhatsApp and call bookings. Acowale's system now allows her customers to make reservations online, making the process more efficient and systematic for her .


Simplified Bookkeeping

Our integrated cloud bookkeeping have made managing accounts a breeze, ensuring all records of complete nutrition are accurate and up-to-date with multi-user access from anywhere in the world.


Enhanced Customer Management

Acowale's customer management system helps Priya track customer preferences and interactions, providing personalized service and improving overall customer satisfaction.


Automated Customer Feedback System

With Acowale's feedback management system, Priya can easily collect, analyze, and act upon customer feedback, allowing her to make timely improvements and enhance the overall customer experience.


The Past

Before Acowale

Exceeding Demand

Manual record keeping

Priya had to write down inventory, sales, and expenses by hand, leading to errors and time wastage.


The Present

acowale reinvented our businesses

Improved Customer Management

Since implementing Acowale BusinessApp, Complete Nutrition has seen remarkable improvements. The website attracted more clients and improved her professional reputation. Operational efficiency soared, allowing Priya to expand her services and dedicate more time to client care. Financial tracking and reporting became effortless, enabling better business decisions and growth.

Preya Maisa now enjoys peace of mind knowing that her practice is well-managed and efficient. The Acowale BusinessApp has truly been a transformative tool for Complete Nutrition, allowing it to thrive and provide exceptional service in a competitive market.


Ground Story

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